Empire Justice Center Main Page Empire Justice Center Main Page

 LEP Topics

LARC Home Page Each of the topics below include an overview of the federal and state rights and protections that apply to the topic.  The first part describes the federal laws that apply and the relevant agency LEP guidance, followed by the relevant state law that applies to the topic. Each topic includes a series of state and resources.

Court Access covers the language services provisions for LEP individuals in federal and state courts, and in the New York State court system.

Disability describes the state and federal disability protections in various languages for LEP and sensory impaired (SI) individuals.

Domestic Violence provides information about the obligations of recipients of federal funding, and the language assistance services necessary to ensure meaningful access for victims of domestic violence.

Education provides New York State and federal protections that exist for LEP students and parents in the public education system.

Employment covers protections against national origin discrimination in employment and LEP individuals eligible for unemployment benefits.

Food Stamps describes the state and federal national origin discrimination requirements for LEP recipients of food stamps.

Health and LEP provides the New York State and federal protections to ensure meaningful access to health services by LEP individuals.

Housing and LEP covers the HUD LEP Guidance requirements for public housing authorities and other recipients of HUD funding.

Law Enforcement covers DOJ requirements for law enforcement agencies to provide services to LEP persons.

Legal Services describes the obligations of legal service organizations to provide assistance to LEP individuals. 

Social Security describes the LEP requirements for Social Security Administration offices and hearings.

Voting  describes the federal and state voting rights protections for LEP voters.

Frequently Asked Questions
Federal LEP
Title VI
Executive Order 13166
DOJ LEP Guidance
Federal Agency Guidance
LEP Topics
Court Access
Domestic Violence
Employment /Unemployment
Food Stamp Program
Health Care Services
Law Enforcement
Legal Services and Attorneys
Public Housing
Social Security
LEP Statistics
Census Data
Other Group Data
Resources and Training
Language Access Guides
Language Access Training
Model LEP Plans
New York Resources

Last Updated: August  11, 2008 ● Empire Justice Center © 2008