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Documents: Department of Social Services

DSS-DM-2020-001: Income Savings Plan (ISP) Mass Re-Budget Notices (February 5, 2020)

This memorandum is to inform both DHS and HRA Directors and Managers that over the weekend of January 11 and 12, 2020, the State completed a mass re-budget (MRB) to initiate the sending of Client Notice Systems (CNS) notices to certain cases where the adult family or family with children resides in a Department of Homeless Services (DHS), Human Resources Administration (HRA), or Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) shelter or other temporary housing facility. The notice is to inform these households that they are now subject to the new Income Savings Plan (ISP) requiring Adult Families as well as Families with Children that have earned income to contribute to a savings account. The first contribution will be due in April for the shelter stay in March. The new ISP replaces the old Income Savings Requirement (ISR).



Created: 6/21/2020