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Documents : Pre-Hearing Disclosure of Requested Case Record Documents

Automatic Mailing of Evidence Packets to Medicaid Managed Care (MMC), Family Health Plus and HIV Special Needs Plan Appellants


As required by § 25.6(b) of the Medicaid Managed Care/Family Health Plus/HIV Special Needs Plan Model Contract, dated March 1, 2014,

The Contractor must provide to the Enrollee or the Enrollee’s authorized representative copies of the documents the Contractor will present at the fair hearing, also known as the “evidence packet.” Copies of the evidence packet must be provided without charge. Within ten (10) business days of receiving notification of a hearing request, the Contractor must mail copies of the evidence packet to the Enrollee or the Enrollee’s authorized representative. If, due to the scheduling of the fair hearing, the evidence packet cannot be prepared at least five (5) business days before the hearing, and there is not sufficient time for the evidence packet to be mailed, the Contractor must provide the Enrollee or the Enrollee’s authorized representative such copies no later than at the time of the hearing.

The complete Model Contract is available on the New York State Department of Health (DOH) website at: http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/docs/medicaid_managed_care_fhp_hiv-snp_model_contract.pdf.



Created: 2/8/2015