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Attached Document: 93_lcm-150.pdf
OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: LCMs From DSS 1993
93 LCM-150: Clarification to 93 LCM-26 dated March 22, 1993, on HIV/AIDS confidentiality
This is to to clarify information in the memorandum cited above regarding the standard for social services district employee access to confidential HIV-related information. Article 27-F of Public Health Law and Department regulations (see 18 NYCRR 357.2(b)) provide that authorized employees of social services districts may have access to confidential HIV-related information regarding a recipient of a health or social service when such access is reasonably necessary for the such employees to "supervise, monitor, administer or provide such service." This is the correct standard for access to confidential HIV-related information.
Created: 6/1/2007