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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: LCMs from DSS 1996

96 LCM-91: State Low Income Day Care Program
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum(LCM) is to inform districts of their allocations for the State Low Income Day Care(LIDC) program for State Fiscal Year(SFY) 1996-97. Districts were notified in 96 LCM-51 dated May 30, 1996 of their potential allocations for LIDC based on the proposed appropriation in the Governor's Executive Budget submitted to the Legislature. The State Budget has been enacted and includes an additional $5 million in funds for the State Low Income program. The total appropriation for SLIDC for SFY 1996-97 is $44,366,000.


Created: 12/16/2006