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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OMM

06 OMM INF-5: Eligibility for "Federal Medicaid" Based on Immigration Status and Required Documentation
By order dated August 29, 2006, issued in M.K.B. et al. v. Eggleston, Doar and Novello, U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff directed that the State "revise its training materials so that they accurately and comprehensively explain which immigrants are eligible for federal Medicaid." Although the court found no defect in the New York State Department of Health’s ("the Department's") prior directives or training materials, the Department is issuing this Informational Letter (INF) to comply with the court's order. This INF explains which aliens are eligible for "federal Medicaid" based on their immigration status and the types of documentation that these aliens will typically possess. This INF supplements 04 OMM/ADM-7, issued October 26, 2004. Districts should assure that appropriate caseworkers are familiar with the materials in this INF and use this INF in district training.


Created: 12/18/2006
Updated: 7/28/2009