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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA

06-INF-26: Investigative Unit Operations Plan
Each Local District must submit a revised IUOP to OTDA within 60 days from the date of this INF.
The plan must include:
(1) A description of the organizational units responsible for the investigation and prosecution of allegations of client fraud;
(2) A description of any claims establishment (recoupments) and collection activities for which this organizational unit may also be responsible;
(3) An explanation of the coordination between the investigation units and the prosecutor, i.e., courts in which cases of alleged fraud are heard, referral process, etc;
(4) An explanation of how it is proven that the individual was advised on the record of the court of the disqualification provision prior to entering any plea; and
(5) A copy of or a statement of the agreement with the District Attorney's office in accordance with Department Regulation 18 NYCRR 348.2(c).


Created: 8/2/2006