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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: Temporary Assistance GIS Messages

GIS 06 TA/DC038: TA Grant Diversion Particpants Not Eligible for TBA FS
The purpose of this GIS is to remind districts of the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) policy designating that food stamp households participating in an employment program that is funded, at least in part, through diversion of the household’s entire Temporary Assistance (TA) grant, are not eligible to receive Food Stamp benefits under the Transitional Benefits Alternative (TBA) while participating in the grant diversion employment program. Specifically, this GIS, as well as the policy cited above, are both clear designations that food stamp households participating in an employment program funded by diverting the food stamp households' entire Temporary Assistance grant to fund the employment program are ineligible for TBA, while participating in the grant diversion employment program, pursuant to the authority set forth in the federal Food Stamp Act at 7 U.S.C. 2020(s)(5).


Created: 11/16/2006