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Attached Document: 06ma006.pdf
OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS Messages from OMM
GIS 06 MA/006: Revised Federal Poverty Levels for January 1, 2006
This is to inform social services districts of revised federal poverty levels (FPLs) effective immediately. The estimated FPLs were effective January 1, 2006, pending the actual poverty levels published in the Federal Register. The Department implements the estimated levels to ensure more stable periods of eligibility. The actual annual FPLs have been announced. The actual FPLs are different from the estimated levels. The actual levels differ by $3,400 annually as household size changes. The estimated levels differed by $3,300 annually as household size changed. The actual FPLs are effective for all new applications and renewals immediately.
Created: 2/22/2006