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Attached Document: 91_inf-66.pdf
OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA
91 INF-66: Public Assistance Sewer, Water and Garbage Charges
The purpose of this release is to notify social services districts of technical amendments to Department regulations 352.3(b) and 352.4(b). Department regulation 352.3(b) was initially amended in 1989 to assist renters in meeting their shelter obligations for garbage disposal and sewer charges. In other words, sewer and garbage charges were to be considered as shelter expenses subject to the maximum shelter standards. When this amendment was promulgated, the phrase "as a separate charge to a vendor" was used. This phrase has been interpreted to mean that the recipient had to have the bill in his/her own name. However, this was not the intent of the 1989 amendment.
Created: 10/29/2004
Updated: 11/1/2004