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Attached Document: 96_inf-26.pdf
OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA
96 INF-26: Revisions to Applications (DSS-2921, DSS-2921NYC), Recertification Forms (DSS-3174, DSS-3174NYC) and their "How To Complete" publications (PUB-1301, PUB-1301NYC, PUB-1313, PUB-1313NYC)
This is to introduce revisions to the following mandated forms and their Spanish versions:
DSS-2921: DSS-2921: Upstate Application Upstate Application DSS-2921NYC: DSS-2921NYC: New York City Application New York City Application DSS-3174: DSS-3174: Upstate Recertification Form Upstate Recertification Form DSS-3174NYC: DSS-3174NYC: New York City Recertification Form New York City Recertification Form PUB-1301: PUB-1301: "How To Complete"/Upstate Application "How To Complete"/Upstate Application PUB-1301NYC: PUB-1301NYC: "How To Complete"/New York City Application "How To Complete"/New York City Application PUB-1313: PUB-1313: "How To Complete"/Upstate Recertification Form "How To Complete"/Upstate Recertification Form PUB-1313NYC: PUB-1313NYC: "How To Complete"/New York City Recertification "How To Complete"/New York City Recertification Form
Created: 10/19/2004
Updated: 10/19/2004