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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA

96 INF-15: CONNECTIONS Equipment and Site Prep Costs and
Responsibilities in Local District Offices
The following information is provided to Local Districts to help you
plan for the CONNECTIONS effort in your Local District, prepare for any
costs that might be incurred, and initiate any necessary local legislative
appropriations process. A separate INF will be provided to Voluntary
Agencies to allow them to effectively prepare for CONNECTIONS
implementation. The 60 day CONNECTIONS Installation Timetable, which
provides a 60 day countdown of installation activities to be undertaken to
make a site operational, is attached to allow Local Districts to understand
and prepare for the activities that are involved. A revised Scalable Site
Preparation Model is attached to this INF to help you determine your site
preparation requirements for space, electricity and HVAC.


Created: 10/19/2004