I. PURPOSE The purpose of this administrative directive is:
A. To advise local districts that Department regulation 352.3(d) has been amended to establish two Statewide shelter schedules for public assistance households who participate in the Section 8 Certificate Certificate Rent Subsidy program. One schedule (352.3(d)(2)(iii)) applies to Section 8 Certificate Certificate households without earned income. The second schedule (352.3(d)(2)(iv)) applies to Section 8 Certificate Certificate households with earned income. The amended regulation provides that the allowance for tenants of housing subsidized under the Section 8 Voucher Voucher Program and other Section 8 subsidy programs remains rent as paid up to the agency private rent maximum.
B. To notify local districts of the additional impact of this regulatory change on Section 8 certificate households who pay for heat and or water separate from their rent. Such households will not be eligible for a public assistance fuel for heating allowance or water allowance on or after the effective date of this regulation.
C. To inform local districts that households whose shelter type code is "08 - Subsidized Housing" must be recoded. Those households identified as participating in the Section 8 Certificate Certificate subsidy program must be rebudgeted according to the appropriate schedules set in 352.3(d)(2)(iii) or (iv). Any associated food stamp case must also be rebudgeted.
D. Shelter Type "08" does not distinguish Certificate Certificate Program participants from other Section 8 tenants, such as Voucher Voucher Program participants. Therefore public assistance households that participate in these Programs must be identified and recoded so that these households that participate in a rent subsidy program other than the Section 8 Certificate Program will not be affected. Section IV-B of this Directive will detail the steps to be taken in these cases.
E. To notify local districts of the necessity of a cooperative effort by the Department, local social services districts, the Public Housing Authorities (PHA) or other community agency administering the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 8 programs, and the public assistance households participating in the Section 8 Certificate Certificate Program to ensure a smooth transition into the new schedule for the affected households.