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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA

04-INF-13: Revisions to the systems generated "Periodic Report" (LDSS-4310) and the vendor printed "Follow-Up to the Periodic Report" (LDSS-4310A)
I. Purpose
The purpose of this release is three fold:
A. To introduce the revised 2/04 versions of the mandated "Periodic Reporting" forms:
LDSS-4310: "Periodic Report" (Statewide) (system generated)
LDSS-4310-SP: "Periodic Report"(Statewide) (Spanish) (system generated)
LDSS-4310A: "Follow-Up to the Periodic Report" (Statewide) (vendor printed)
LDSS-4310A-SP: "Follow-Up to the Periodic Report"(Statewide) (Spanish) (vendor printed)
B. To inform local districts that all of the required NYC "Periodic Reporting" case identifying information has been incorporated into the 2/04 version of a Statewide, LDSS-4310A "Follow Up to the Periodic Report".
C. To inform NYC districts that upon receipt of the 2/04 versions of the Statewide LDSS-4310A: "Follow-Up To The Periodic Report" and the LDSS-4310A-SP: "Follow-Up To The Periodic
Report" (Spanish) that the NYC versions of the "Follow-Up to the Periodic Report" (LDSS-4310A NYC and LDSS-4310A-SP NYC) are obsolete and should be destroyed.


Created: 9/30/2004
Updated: 10/6/2004