The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit to social services districts the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) allocations from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2003-2004 funds. The allocations contained in Attachment A to this memorandum may be used for Independent Living (IL) services expenditures made beginning October 1,2003,up to the amount of the allocation and subject to a twenty percent (20%) state/local match requirement. Only claims received by March 31, 2005, may be applied against the FFY 2003-2004 allocation, including expenditures made after September 30,2004. Unclaimed allocation amounts will be re-distributed to other districts that have claims in excess of the allocation, which will provide the means by which New York State can maximize its use of funds available under this federal funding stream. Claims received after March 31,2005, for FFY 2004-2005 services expenditures will be claimed against the FFY 2004-2005 allocation.