I. Purpose This directive advises local districts of a change in the percentage of the earned income disregard (EID) in the temporary assistance (TA) budgeting process. Annually on June 1, as required by Social Services Law (SSL) Section 131-a (8)(a)(iii), this percentage must be adjusted up or down to reflect the change in the most recently issued poverty guidelines of the United States Bureau of the Census. Additionally, this directive also updates the thresholds of the Poverty Level Income Test.
Note: The change in the EID outlined in this Release is statutorily required and should not be confused with a current budget proposal included in the SFY 04-05 Executive Budget and under active consideration that would change the way the EID is calculated. This proposed legislation, if enacted, provides for a 50% EID for FA and SNA-MOE cases with a gradual reduction of the disregard based on time on assistance.