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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: ADMs issued by OTDA

04-ADM-02: Changes in Food Stamp Program Change Reporting Rules

I. Purpose
This is to advise districts of three changes related to Food Stamp (FS) program change reporting rules:
A. A recent federal clarification requires FS households in which all adults are elderly or disabled without earnings to be subject to ten-day change reporting rather than six-month reporting rules for FS.
B. A recently amended federal FS rule raises the threshold at which changes in unearned monthly income from a public source must be reported. Households must now report these changes if the amount of the change is more than $50 per month. The time frame in which the household must report these changes in monthly income depends on what reporting rules the household is under, either within ten days of occurrence or within six-months. The change reporting thresholds remain at $100 per month for earned income and unearned income from private sources.
C. Based on federal clarification, all FS households that are subject to six-month reporting rules and are certified for seven full months or longer, including those with only unearned income, must return a periodic report in the sixth month of their certification period, even if they have no changes to report.



Created: 9/29/2004
Updated: 10/1/2004