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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: ADMs issued by OMM

03 OMM/ADM-6: Medicaid Provider Audit Activities

The purpose of this Administrative Directive (ADM) is to advise local social services departments (hereafter referred to as local districts) of the New York State Department of Health’s (hereafter referred to as the Department) responsibility, as the single state agency for Medicaid, for:

1. Medicaid provider audit recoveries,
2. Medicaid provider sanctions, and
3. Criminal referrals of Medicaid providers to the Attorney General.

In addition, this Directive identifies the latitude and limits of local districts with respect to provider audits, sanctions and criminal referrals of Medicaid providers. This Directive describes actions that local districts can take independently or through cooperation with the Department.




Created: 11/15/2004