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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: 2002 GIS Messages
GIS TA/DC010: Camp Fees and Non-Federally Participating Safety Net Assistance
GIS TA/DC010 The purpose of this GIS is to remind districts that camp fees must not be paid on cases where the children are recipients of temporary assistance (TA) under either the cash or non-cash components of non-federal categories of Safety Net Assistance (SNA-FNP). These include households who receive SNA-FNP because they have reached their State 60-month time limit, and are no longer eligible to receive TA under Family Assistance (FA) or federally participating SNA (SNA-FP). Social Services Law 131-a (5)(d) requires districts to provide payment for camp fees for children receiving Aid to Dependent Children (FA and SNA-FP), when funds cannot be obtained from other sources. The amount that may be authorized is established by Office Regulations 18 NYCRR 352.7(i) at $400 per year, not to exceed $200 per week.
Created: 4/10/2002