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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: 2002 GIS Messages

GIS 02 TA/DC009: Requirement to send the LDSS 4753 FS "Request for Contact/Notice of Missed Interview" when an initial FS eligibility interview is missed
GIS 02 TA/DC009 Districts were advised in 01 ADM-08 of the need to send the LDSS 4753: "Request for Contact/Notice of Missed Interview" when temporary assistance food stamp (TA/FS) and non-temporary assistance food stamp (Non-TA/FS) clients miss their eligibility appointments, reminding clients of their responsibility to reschedule their missed interview. Districts were instructed that this notice was optional at initial eligibility pending finalization of federal rules. This is to inform Districts that the federal rule was recently finalized making the LDSS 4753: "Request for Contact/Notice of Missed Interview" a requirement when an applicant misses his/her initial eligibility interview.


Created: 4/10/2002
Updated: 4/10/2002