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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: LCMs From OMM
01 OMM LCM-02: Medicaid Eligibility For Dually Entitled DAC's (McMahon V. Dowling, Et. al.) Supplemental Stipulation and Order
01 OMM LCM-02
The purpose of this local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise social services districts of the Supplemental Stipulation and Order in the above referenced case. The Supplemental Stipulation and Order concerns Medicaid eligibility for certain individuals who have dual entitlement to Title II social security disability insurance benefits, on both their own earnings record and that of a parent (disabled adult child or DAC benefits), and who are also eligible for Supplemental Security (SSI) benefits.
Created: 10/4/2001
Updated: 10/12/2001