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Attached Document: 88adm51.pdf
OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: Older ADMs
88 ADM-51: Federal Cost of Living Adjustment in Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits, Increase in SSI State Supplementation and Impact on Department Programs
The purpose of this ADM is to advise local districts of: A. the January 1989 federal cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in Social Security RSDl) benefits, and its impact on ADC, HR, MA, SSI and FS; B. the pass-through of the January 1, 1989 federal COLA in federal Supplemental security Income (SS1) benefits; C. the January 1, 1989 increase In the State supplementation rates for SSI recipients classified as "living alone" or "living with others". D. the impact of the increased SSI Congregate Care benefit levels and increased minimum personal needs allowances (PNA's).
Created: 9/18/2008