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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA

01-INF-12: Temporary Assistance Sanctions: "Budgeting for TA and FS, Treatment of Income for FS, When the TA Case Closes, and Medicaid Implications"
01 INF-12 Provides Clarification to NYC and the rest of the state on 1) how to budget cases in which a case member has been sanctioned but where at least one case member remains eligible for temporary assistance and 2) how to budget food stamps when a TA case continues with a TA sanction in place; when a TA applicant is sanctioned; and when the TA sanction results in the TA case being closed, and 3) how to treat Medicaid when there is a TA sanction.


Created: 7/10/2001