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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS Issued by OMM

10 MA/017: Puerto Rican Birth Certificates: Medicaid Applications Received On or After October 1, 2010
The purpose of this General Information System (GIS) message is to inform local departments of social services (LDSS) about a new law that was enacted by the government of Puerto Rico and how the law affects citizenship documentation requirements for New York State residents who were born in Puerto Rico and apply for Medicaid on or after October 1, 2010. Individuals born in Puerto Rico became U.S. citizens collectively through grants of citizenship made by the United States. Therefore, a U.S. birth certificate showing birth in Puerto Rico can be used to establish citizenship.

On January 1, 2010, Puerto Rico's Law 191, "Law Prohibiting Public and Private Entities from Retaining, Storing or Holding Certified Copies of Birth Certificates", went into effect. The new law requires new security enhanced certificates be issued beginning July 1, 2010, to address the unlawful use of Puerto Rico-issued birth certificates to combat theft and fraud. Initially, individuals born in Puerto Rico were subject to have their birth certificates invalidated as of July 1, 2010. However, on June 28, 2010, the government of Puerto Rico approved an amendment that extends the validity of current Puerto Rican birth certificates through September 30, 2010. This extension will provide a transition period for individuals to apply for and receive the new document.


Created: 7/8/2010