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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS Issued by OMM

10 MA/010: Medicare Savings Program Household Size
This GIS is to inform local districts of a change in budgeting methodology for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP).

The MSP budgeting methodology excluded a non-SSI-related spouse in the MSP household count if the spouse's remaining income, after allocating income to any non-SSI-related child(ren) in the household and deducting any court-ordered support paid by the non-SSI-related spouse, was less than the allocation amount (the difference between the Medicaid level for a household of two and one). In such cases, the SSI-related spouse was budgeted as a household of one.

For MBL budgets with an effective "From" date of 01/01/10, or later, having a Buy-In Indicator of "A", and "LA" of 2, MBL will calculate MSP eligibility based on a household of two when there is a spouse in the household, regardless of income or category of the spouse. This change only applies to the Medicare Savings Program.

For determining Medicaid eligibility for SSI-related individuals, the current SSI-related budgeting methodology will continue to exclude a non-SSI-related spouse in the Medicaid household count if the spouse’s remaining income, after allocating income to any non-SSI-related child (ren) in the household and deducting any court-ordered support paid by the non-SSI-related spouse, is less than the difference between the Medicaid level for a household of two and one.


Created: 5/10/2010