The purpose of this Office of Health Insurance Programs Administrative Directive (OHIP/ADM) is to inform local departments of social services(LDSS) of several provisions included in Section 211 of the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) of 2009 that modify citizenship documentation requirements for Medicaid. These provisions include: 1. Providing a reasonable opportunity for individuals declaring to be United States (U.S.) citizens to present satisfactory documentation of citizenship or nationality; 2. Providing for a data match with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify citizenship for individuals enrolled in Medicaid; 3. Excluding children who are eligible for Medicaid as "deemed newborns" from citizenship documentation requirements; and 4. Accepting Tribal enrollment or membership documents issued by a federally recognized Tribe as "primary" verification of citizenship and identity. This OHIP/ADM provides instructions to districts on the new citizenship documentation requirements, including the new data match with SSA.