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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: LCMs Issued by OTDA

09-LCM-17: New Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Local Management Report
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to announce a new Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Local Management Report now available using Cognos 8, and to provide details about the report's content, production schedule, and format. This new report is designed to improve districts’ ability to monitor the status of Temporary Assistance (TA) recipients who are SSI applicants by providing a more comprehensive, easy-to-use and less resource-intensive replacement to the paper Centralized SSI Tracking Report – WMS Report WINR9143. Improvements to the old process include the availability of new data elements useful for tracking cases (including appeal deadlines), a more frequent distribution schedule, retention of report history, and easy access through Cognos. In addition, the report will be available in a variety of formats, thus allowing districts flexibility in how they use the report, including the loading of report contents to local tracking applications.


Created: 12/1/2009