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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: ADMs issued by OMM
01 OMM/ADM-06: Eligibility Requirements for the Family Health Plus Program; Facilitated Enrollment of Adults into Medicaid and Family Health Plus.
01 OMM/ADM-06 The purpose of this joint Office of Medicaid Management/Office of Managed Care/Division of Planning, Policy and Resource Development, Administrative Directive is to:
o advise local social services districts (LDSS) of the program and eligibility requirements relating to Family Health Plus (FHPlus);
o advise LDSSs of systems enhancements relating to FHPlus;
o advise LDSSs of the requirements related to the coordination of the FHPlus application and managed care enrollment processes with approved managed care organizations (MCOs)1 and lead agencies contracting with the State Department of Health (SDOH) to provide "facilitated enrollment" assistance to individuals and families who apply for Medicaid, Child Health Plus (CHPlus) A and B, FHPlus, the Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) and the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC);
o introduce a new joint Medicaid, FHPlus, CHPlus, PCAP, and WIC application, "Access NY Health Care", which includes a Documentation Checklist and a Health Care and Nutrition Fact Sheet (Attachment I, DOH-4220); and
o introduce a revised statewide Medicaid Managed Care and Family Health Plus Enrollment Form (Attachment II, DOH-4097).
Created: 11/26/2001
Updated: 11/26/2001