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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS Issued by OMM

09 MA/029: Medicaid Medical Support Transmittal
The purpose of this General Information System (GIS) message is to advise local departments of social services of certain provisions of Chapter 215 of the Laws of 2009, which became effective October 9, 2009, and to introduce a new form for use in providing Medicaid information for the child support program. Chapter 215 amended various sections of the Family Court Act, Domestic Relations Law, and Civil Practice Law and Rules to establish definitions for "cash medical support," "reasonable cost," "reasonably accessible" and the priority for deductions by income execution. The amendments established rules for courts to follow in determining the noncustodial parent's cash medical support obligation. A joint administrative directive (ADM) with the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance will be released shortly detailing local district responsibilities under the new provisions. This GIS introduces the attached Medicaid Medical Support Transmittal (OHIP-0030). This transmittal needs to be completed in order for the court to establish the cash medical support obligation from the noncustodial parent (NCP) when the child is in receipt of Medicaid managed care or Medicaid fee-for-service.


Created: 11/30/2009