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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS Issued by OMM

09 MA/027: Elimination of the Resource Test for Non-SSI-Related Medicaid Applicants/Recipients
The purpose of this General Information System (GIS) message is to advise local social services districts that effective January 1, 2010, the resource test will be eliminated for Medicaid applicants/recipients (A/Rs) who are not aged (65 or over), certified blind or certified disabled. The resource test will also be eliminated for all Family Health Plus (FHPlus) A/Rs. MBL changes to support this policy will be available December 21, 2009, and WMS changes will be included in the February, 2010 migration.

For SSI-Related individuals where eligibility is determined using the SSI-Related budgeting methodology, (Categorical Codes 10 (Aged), 11 (Blind), 12 (Disabled), 70 (Medicaid Buy-In - Disabled Basic Group) and 71 (Medicaid Buy-In - Medically Improved)), there continues to be a resource test. Eligibility for COBRA Continuation Coverage continues to require a resource test, regardless of the individual's category, because the SSI-Related budgeting methodology is used to determine COBRA Continuation Coverage eligibility. Elimination of the resource test for Medicare Savings Program (MSP) individuals is addressed in GIS 08 MA/016.


Created: 11/23/2009