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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS Issued by OMM

09 MA/021: Elimination of Automated Finger Imaging System (AFIS) Requirement for Medicaid Eligibility
This GIS message is to inform local department of social services of the elimination of the Automated Finger Imaging System (AFIS) requirement for Medicaid applicants and recipients.

Chapter 58 of the Laws of 2009 eliminates the AFIS requirement for Medicaid eligibility. Effective July 1, 2009, local departments of social services are no longer required to finger-image Medicaid-only applicants and recipients.

Please be aware that the Photo-ID requirement for individuals who are applying for or receiving Medicaid remains in effect. However, individuals who are not exempt from the Photo-ID requirement for Medicaid and do not have their photo stored in the AFIS database must not be called into the district solely to have their picture taken. The recipient may fulfill this requirement at the next time he/she has local district contact, whenever that may occur.


Created: 7/6/2009
Updated: 7/7/2009