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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OCFS

09-OCFS-INF-05: Child Care Market Rates Advance Notification
The purpose of this release is to advise social services districts of the emergency filing of the revised regulations related to the market rates and the maximum reimbursement for expenditures for all child care services funded under the New York State Child Care Block Grant (NYSCCBG) and Social Services Block Grant (Title XX). These changes will be reflected in Title 18 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Section 415.9. The new market rate regulations were filed on September 15, 2009 as an emergency rule and will be effective as of October 1, 2009. The regulations will also be filed as a notice of proposed rule making in the future. Social services districts, as well as the public, will have the opportunity to comment on the proposed rule making once the proposed rule making is filed before final adoption.

The new market rates are found in an attachment to this policy. A Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) will be issued following the publication of the regulations.

This regulatory filing also includes those changes presented in 09-OCFS-LCM-07, dated May 18, 2009. These changes are: training programs for dislocated workers, the exclusion of one-time payments disbursed under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to recipients of Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Railroad Retirement Benefits, and Veterans Disability Compensation or Pension Benefits as income for determining eligibility for any program in receipt of federal funds, including the NYSCCBG, and the enhanced market rate for legally-exempt family and in-home child care providers.


Created: 9/21/2009