Attached Document: 09-inf-10.pdf
OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OTDA
09-INF-10: Modifications made to the Upstate CSMS 8649: "Obligation and Collection Greater Than Assistance Granted" Report and New York City CSMS 8649: "Obligation and Collection Greater Than Assistance Granted" Report
The purpose of this Informational Letter (INF) is to introduce modifications made to the upstate CSMS 8649: "Obligation and Collection Greater Than Assistance Granted" report (hereinafter "upstate CSMS 8649 report") and New York City CSMS 8649: “Obligation and Collection Greater Than Assistance Granted” report (hereinafter "NYC CSMS 8649 report") and to apprise local districts that this modified report was put into production on January 30, 2009.
Created: 5/26/2009
Updated: 7/28/2009