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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: ADMs Issued by OTDA

09-ADM-19: Changes to Assignment of Support Rights and Child Support Distribution for Recipients of Temporary Assistance
The purpose of this ADM is to advise SSDs of the changes to the assignment of support rights at application for TA effective October 1, 2009. SSDs are advised of changes in how child support collections received for a current TA case will be distributed and disbursed. This ADM provides specific information regarding the impact of these changes upon each program area and introduces a new disbursement of child support collections for TA recipients known as family arrears payments. This ADM also provides instructions on the budgeting of family arrears payments for TA purposes, introduces revised common application and recertification application language, and introduces the new unearned income source code "69 - Family Support Arrears".


Created: 11/5/2009