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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: ADMs Issued by OTDA

09-ADM-18: Temporary Assistance (TA) Policy Implications of Implementation of Electronic Interim Assistance Reimbursement (e-IAR)
The purpose of this Administrative Directive (ADM) is to advise Social Services Districts (SSDs) of the impact of the statewide implementation of the Electronic Interim Assistance Reimbursement (e-IAR) process on Temporary Assistance (TA) Interim Assistance (IA) policy as now required by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

E-IAR is a new project designed, implemented and mandated by the SSA to automate the current Interim Assistance Reimbursement (IAR) paper check process by utilizing a SSA secure website known as Government-to-Government Services Online (GSO). The computerized process allows the SSA to automatically determine the IAR payment due a SSD based on the SSD workers' reported IA payment information inputted into and transmitted through the secure website. In addition, the new system will retain an electronic record of SSA's determination for review; automate the SSA notices process with a comprehensive e-mail alert system; and, automatically notify SSD workers via e-mail of the reimbursement determination and payment.

The e-IAR process does not change SSD notification requirements; the actions needed to obtain IAR authorization; the way the SSD determines the IA period; or, how the manner in which the SSD calculates the IAR amount.

As will be discussed more fully below, there is little program impact as the result of the anticipated e-IAR implementation. This ADM outlines highlights of the TA program implications


Created: 10/27/2009
Updated: 10/27/2009