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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: ADMs Issued by OCFS

09-OCFS-ADM-12: Intercountry Adoptions
The purpose of this Administrative Directive (ADM) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSS) and voluntary authorized agencies of the impact of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoptions (Hague Convention). The Hague Convention covers adoptions between countries that become parties to it and sets out for such adoptions certain internationally agreed-upon minimum norms and procedures. The goal of the Hague Convention is to protect the children, birth parents and adoptive parents involved in intercountry adoptions and to prevent abuses. The Hague Convention provides a framework for convention countries to work together to prevent the abduction, sale, or trafficking of children involved in intercountry adoptions. Adoptions that take place between the United States U.S.) and countries that have not ratified the Hague Convention may have similar steps that take place, but lack the assurances of Hague Convention adoptions. In the U.S., these non-Hague Convention intercountry adoptions may take place under certain circumstances that will be set forth in this ADM.


Created: 7/6/2009