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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: GIS issued by OMM

08 MA/036: Disability Reviews for Adult Children over 65
The purpose of this GIS message is to clarify the disability review policy for an adult child over the age of 65. GIS 06 MA/005 “Purposes of Medicaid Disability Reviews” informed districts that a disability review may be required for a non-applying adult child of a Medicaid applicant/recipient (A/R) if the certification of disability would exclude an asset from a transfer penalty. Under the transfer of assets provisions, an A/R may transfer his/her homestead or asset to an adult child without penalty, if the child is certified blind or certified disabled. When an A/R transfers an asset to a non-applying adult child and claims the adult child is disabled, a Medicaid disability review must be performed for the child. This includes adult children who are under age 65 and those over age 65. If the adult child has an acceptable disability certification that is currently effective or that was effective at the time of their 65th birthday, a disability review is not required. For a list of acceptable disability certifications see GIS 08 MA/004.


Created: 12/30/2008