The purpose of this Informational Letter (INF) is to transmit the attached report from the Federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF) on its Pilot Administrative Cost Review (ACR) of New York State’s Title IV-E administrative claiming process. This Pilot Federal Review was conducted in fall 2007 and covered the Central Office and Local District Cost Allocation Plan, Random Moment Survey (RMS), and administrative costs associated with candidacy for foster care placement. The rules related to candidacy for foster care placements allow social services districts to receive Title IV-E reimbursement for the portion of RMS observations related to child protective and preventive cases when a child in such a case is at risk of foster care placement. Samples of 25 protective and preventive cases drawn from RMS observations were reviewed. New York State elected to participate in this Pilot Review to evaluate the state’s and local social services districts’ performance with respect to Title IV-E administrative claiming. New York State currently claims over $200 million in Federal Title IV-E for state and local administrative costs.