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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: INFs Issued by OHIP

08 OHIP/INF-4: Clarification of PRUCOL Status for the Purposes of Medicaid Eligibility
This Informational Letter (INF) clarifies Department policy regarding Medicaid eligibility for aliens who are permanently residing in the United States under color of law (PRUCOL). It affirms Department policy previously discussed in 04 OMM/ADM-7 and 07 OHIP/INF-2 regarding the PRUCOL status of aliens who have submitted an official application to a federal immigration agency for an immigration status or for other relief. It clarifies the PRUCOL status of aliens who petition a federal immigration agency by letter or other correspondence for relief for which no official application exists. Finally, it provides policy guidelines for local departments of social services to apply when the federal immigration agency fails to respond to such letters or other correspondence within a reasonable period of time after receipt.


Created: 8/5/2008