The purpose of this Local Commissioner’s Memorandum is to advise local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the availability of $9.6 million appropriated in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2007-08 Budget for the purpose of promoting “…the recruitment and retention of staff or to respond to other nonpersonal costs….” for preventive services agencies, as defined in 18 NYCRR 423.2(a), from which LDSSs purchase preventive services. These state funds are intended to annualize for SFY 2007-08 the 2.5 percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) that 26 LDSSs chose to provide to some or all of the preventive services agencies with which they contract for the period October 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007. In addition, subject to the availability of sufficient funds, these state funds may be used by LDSSs that did not choose to provide the COLA between October 1, 2006, and March 31, 2007 to initiate a 2.5 percent COLA in SFY 2007-08; and by LDSSs that are annualizing the 2.5 percent COLA that they initiated on October 1, 2006, for the purpose of elevating the COLA amount by an additional 2.5 percent above the annualized 2.5 percent COLA.