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OMM/OCFS/OTDA Materials: 2001 GIS Messages From OMM
GIS 01 MA/008: Recruitment of Managed Care Plans To Provide Family Health Plus /Medicaid Facilitated Enrollment
GIS 01 MA/008 On February 9, 2001 districts were sent a copy of the Family Health Plus (FHPlus) Plan Recruitment Notices. These notices were sent to eligible Medicaid Managed Care and Child Health Plus (CHPlus) Managed Care plans to offer them the opportunity to provide FHPlus services and optionally to also expand their current CHPlus/ Medicaid facilitated enrollment activities to include assisting adults applying for FHPlus. Applications from plans must be submitted to the Department by March 16, 2001. This GIS provides information about the role of local social services districts in the process of establishing facilitated enrollment for FHPlus.
Created: 10/3/2001
Updated: 11/20/2003