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Documents: 2007 Policy Bulletins

#07-146-ELI: Child Care In Lieu Of Cash Assistance Guarantee Letters
The purpose of this policy bulletin is to inform all Job Center staff about a letter created by the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) and the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to inform applicants/participants of the new law concerning Child Care In Lieu of Cash Assistance (CILOCA). This bulletin is informational for all others.
In November 2007, the “Child Care Letter” (Attachment A) was mailed to employed Cash Assistance (CA) participants with children under 13 years of age, informing them of the new eligibility standards for the CILOCA guarantee which eliminate the requirement that parents work a minimum of 20 hours to be eligible for this benefit.
The household may be eligible if it is:
• a family headed by a single parent who earns minimum wage or more or who is self-employed and earns $125 per week or $542 per month
• a two-parent household with both parents earning minimum wage or more or who are self-employed and earn $179 per week or $774 per month
• a family headed by a single parent who works at least 17.5 hours per week in a job exempt from minimum wage rules and which pays less than minimum wage.


Created: 1/2/2008