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Documents: 2006 Policy Bulletins

#06-68-OPE: Nonparent Caregiver Cases
The purpose of this policy bulletin is to inform staff, in an effort to provide consistency among all public programs, that the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has labeled as “Nonparent Caregiver” cases where the payee is not the parent of the child(ren). In addition, this bulletin serves as a reminder to staff of the rules governing such cases.

COMMENTS:  The PB summarizes eligibility requirements for PA, FS and Medicaid. It also promises that OTDA will be "issuing an informational pamphlet to enable nonparent caregivers to access public resources more readily for a child(ren)under their care." Note: This PB has not been analyzed by any benefits mavens yet so there is no way of knowing whether this PB accurately summarizes eligibility requirements for nonparent caregiver cases.


Created: 5/8/2006
Updated: 5/18/2006