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Attached Document: cd__23-11.pdf
Documents: HRA Center Director Memos
CD #23-11: Reminder - Availability of the "Protect Your Benefits from Skimming!" (FLY-1095) Flyer (June 29, 2023)
The purpose of this Center Director (CD) Memorandum is to remind all staff that clients are still being victimized by skimming. To help reduce the likelihood of skimming and provide applicants and participants with an idea of what to look out for, the Protect Your Benefits from Skimming! (FLY-1095) was developed. Directors must ensure that the FLY-1095 is available in all waiting areas and other client designated areas such as Personal Computer (PC) Banks. Refer to Fax Flash #20-14 for additional information on the flyer.
Created: 8/9/2023