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Documents: 2020 Policy Directives

#20-01-ELI: Change of Residence (Moving) Out of New York State

(This Policy Directive Replaces PD #19-09-ELI)

New York City may authorize a moving out of state allowance to applicants/participants moving to another state or country when it is determined that the applicants/participants:
- Have residence in another state or country;
- Belong in another state or country;
- Have legally responsible relatives able or willing to support or aid in supporting them; or
- Have friends willing to support or aid in supporting them.

Authorization of a moving out of state allowance may also be granted in cases where the welfare of the person requesting the move and the interest of the State will both benefit. The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is responsible for issuing benefits until applicants/participants physically move out of the state, at which time the case is closed.



Created: 6/21/2020