The Full Benefit Assistance City Employee Wage Match (Project 334) is a data match ofCash Assistance clients with reported earned income from employment with the City ofNew York. The match is run each month by the New York State Office of Temporaryand Disability Assistance (OTDA) and is sent to IREA Systems. IREA Systems formatsthe data and forwards it to Management Analysis, Policy and Data (MAPD) DataAnalytics Unit (DAU). DAU reviews the data to identify cases which are likely to resultin a positive disposition.
Among the data elements reviewed by DAU are: 1) earned income amount, 2) householdsize, 3) income disclosed to the agency by the client, 4) amount of CA benefits, 5)eligibility dates, and 6) case status. DAU selects those cases where the client’s householdwas ineligible for benefits and the income was not disclosed to the agency. IREASystems then inputs the cases in the Investigative Reporting Information System (IRIS).IREA Systems ensures that the cases are not duplicates of current or recentinvestigations. Cases for HRA employees that are identified for investigation are referredto BFI/IREA management who will determine if the Department of Investigations shouldbe notified.