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Documents: 2007 Policy Directives

#07-05-EMP:  Engagement Initiative For Participants Needed At Home Part Time To Care For A Disabled Household Member

This PD describes a new program at all Job Centers targeted at those who are needed at home to care for a disabled child who attends school full time.  It explains that: "The Needed at Home (NAH) claim/status for applicants/participants in general will be more closely examined." (emphasis added).   The PD includes a new form a physician is supposed to fill out  - entitled: "Care Required for Sick Disabled Household Member" and seems to be inappropriate to kids * it is focused on whether the patient can "care for himself."  The PD also includes a "School Attendance Verification letter" which does not just ask about attendance * but instead also asks questions about whether the child has medical/disciplinary/behavioral problems for which the parent/guardian is need to be immediately available and is regularly needed during school hours to address the needs of the student.

Effective October 2006, caring for a disabled family/household member does not meet the Federal definition of participation in community service and therefore the hours during which an otherwise nonexempt participant provides care for a disabled family household member cannot be counted as hours of participation in work activity.

Prior to October 2006, the Family Independence Administration (FIA) was able to include participants, who were otherwise employable but had been exempted from compliance with work rules in order to care for a disabled family/household member on a full or part time basis, in the participation rates. In an effort to prepare these participants for financial independence, an initiative was implemented by FIA in April 2006 at select Job Centers to facilitate the engagement of public assistance (PA) participants who are Needed at Home Part-Time (NAHPT) because the disabled person they are caring for is a child who attends school full time.

As a result of the changes to the Federal rules, the engagement initiative for NAHPT will be expanded to all Job Centers citywide. The Needed at Home (NAH) claim/status for applicants/participants in general will be more closely examined.

Note: For the purposes of this policy directive, the following terms have been defined:
* Disabled - temporary or permanent incapacity that is medically documented and requires full-time care;
* Family member - any individual who is related by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or other established relationship;
* Full-time school attendance - attending school 30 or more hours per week.

All applicants/participants who have current NAH status or make a new claim of caring for a disabled household member on a full or part-time basis and have no other barriers to employment must be evaluated for participation in any of the available activities that will facilitate the process of them becoming self-sufficient before limiting the engagement status to NAH full or part-time.



Created: 3/9/2007
Updated: 3/9/2007