As a condition of eligibility, a JOS/Worker may need to obtain birth/death verification for an applicant to establish eligibility factors such as identity, age, citizenship and relationship between the payee and the children (see the TA/FS Documentation/Verification Desk Aid [LDSS-3666]) in the case where sufficient documentation cannot be obtained through any other method.
This policy bulletin is to inform Job Center and Non-Public Assistance (NPA) Food Stamp (FS) Office staff that the Request for Birth or Death Verification from Agencies Outside New York City (W- 680) has been revised to accommodate a new process for verifying: * the identity of an individual applying for or in receipt of Food Stamp (FS) and/or public assistance (PA) benefits who is lacking proof of identity and was born outside of New York City (NYC); and * the death on record with an agency outside of NYC of an individual related to an applicant for PA; and * other eligibility factors such as age, relationship between the payee and the children on a case, and U.S. citizenship, if questionable, when sufficient documentation cannot be obtained for an applicant born outside NYC.