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Documents: 2007 Policy Bulletins

#07-04-SYS: Noncitizen−Related Systems And Processing Changes
Instructions for Job Centers and NPA FS Offices.  Effective January 8, 2007, the existing "Date of Entry" (DOE) (element 389) field, which is used to capture the eight-character date (MM/DD/YYYY) on which a noncitizen entered the United States (US) through a specific qualified immigration status or was granted a qualified immigration status after physically entering the U.S will be renamed "Date of Status" (DOS). The DOS is the date used to determine what public benefits (based on immigration status) a qualified noncitizen is eligible for. It must be entered for all noncitizens with the following alien/citizenship indicator (ACI) codes:
ACI Code Definition
A Asylees
B Battered Alien
F Conditional Entrant
G Parolee (for at least one year)
H Cuban/Haitian Entrants


Created: 2/6/2007