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Documents: 2014 Policy Directives

#14-04-ELI: Revision to Family Eviction Prevention Supplement (FEPS)

(This Policy Directive Replaces PD #12-13-ELI)

This policy directive has been revised to include information
regarding the:
- Revision of the Referral Form to Community Based Organizations (W-450E), which is used to refer households applying for a Family Eviction Prevention Supplement (FEPS) to a FEPS provider.
- Job Center locations which process FEPS applications filed through BronxWorks and the Church Avenue Merchant's Block Association (CAMBA).
- Duration of FEPS eligibility for families that enter the shelter system.
- Family Eviction Prevention Supplement (FEPS) Modifications -FEPS Provider Referral Form (FIA-1108), which informs participants to see a FEPS provider when there is an increase/decrease in their household size or an increase in rent that may increase the FEPS amount.
- Processing of FEPS when an individual is added to the household. FEPS must not be removed. The Cash Assistance (CA) rent must increase to the maximum for the new household size and the FEPS must decrease so that the total rent issued does not change until the State-approved FEPS modification is received.



Created: 5/12/2014
Updated: 6/23/2014